Survivor, Ring that Bell!

Survivor, Ring that Bell!

The meaning of the phrase “ring the bell” varies considerably depending on the audience. For a youtuber, like me, “ring the bell” means that alerts will be sent to subscribers when new content is uploaded. “Ring the bell” for students signals the beginning or end of...
It’s Not About the Walk

It’s Not About the Walk

My desk in my office faces the windows.  I look out the windows a lot and enjoy the view of our palm tree filled cul-de-sac. Every day, just before lunchtime I see a mom walking. Every day she walks the same path two times. The first time she walks is with her...
Your Ability is NOT Your Purpose

Your Ability is NOT Your Purpose

Contrary to popular belief, your ability is not your purpose. Your ability is however a platform, a channel or a vessel through which your purpose is delivered. The 1980’s movie, Chariots of Fire, is about the true story of two Olympic runners, Eric Liddell, a devout...