Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown

Of course we had to see Frozen II when it hit theatres. Our oldest daughter, Cora, was 4 when Frozen I came out and our youngest, Lydia, was only 2. I remember then hearing  an announcement about the release of Frozen II, coming to a theatre near you in 2019. It...
The Other Side of Affliction

The Other Side of Affliction

Have you ever looked back over a hard season of life and thought, “man, that was so difficult, but so good for me?” I suppose John Mellencamp was right when he sang, “Hurts so good.” The hurts we face can be used for our good. If you are like me, walking into a...
The Guts To Live What Matters Most

The Guts To Live What Matters Most

Life on this earth is pretty appealing. Between yoga pants, delicious coffee, shopping with my mom, playing catch in the backyard, listening to good ‘ol rock n’roll to laughing, dancing and just being plain silly, there is a lot to fall in love with here on earth. Not...