I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I am OVER being Overwhelmed! I am just tired of feeling the weight of the world on my shoulder. Daily, my posture gets more slouched and my shoulders more turned in. This is a season of struggle. The weight of my world turned upside down, not once, not twice but three times. 

The burden of this weight is the culmination of all that I cannot control, and all that my heart longs to be fixed, healed and restored. I have been saturated in this state of being overwhelmed that it’s almost paralyzing. 

So…I had a breaking point. A “come to Jesus” meeting with myself and God as my chief counsel. 

“God”, I said to him as I began to present my case, “I am so overwhelmed. My heart hurts and so much seems broken. I feel helpless because I can’t fix any of it. I can’t take away the pain and heartache. I can’t heal hearts. I’m overwhelmed because of all that I cannot do.”

“God,” I pleaded with him, “I am OVER it. I am over being overwhelmed! I am over feeling overwhelmed. I can’t do it anymore! I am exhausted!”

“Good.” His still small voice spoke to my heart. 

“Good! How is this good? My anxious heart could explode!” I replied. 

“Now I have your attention.” He said. 

When I heard those words, a flood of the truth of His word, promises from the Holy book spoke over me as they were ministering to each and every worry, every anxious thought, every doubt, every sadness, each heartache.  

Sometimes, even when we know Him, and spend time with Him, we miss the point of what he is trying to show us and teach us. The point is…drum roll…SURRENDER.

I wish that it were not so, but with me – bull headed as I can be – it takes me getting to my breaking point, with upset stomach and sleepless nights, crying fits before I fully let go of what I am trying to fix and let God do the work of restoring and healing.

This message is for you who, like me, think you have to be the one to fix it all. You who want to step in a save, bring things to a head. Bring resolution and movement forward. 

This message is for you who want things to be different. It’s for you who meditate on “what could be” instead of the truth of God.

What I have learned about God in my walk with him is that nothing is wasted, and every hardship is an opportunity for deeper intimacy with him. Every hardship a test of SURRENDER.

What does it take? How do we take a step closer into the arms of God, how do we step into the shadow of His wings?


That’s right. Surrender. Daily. Minute by minute if necessary. Surrender is the place where peace is found. Surrender is where God is free to do His good work in us. Surrender is a choice.

I admit, surrender can be scary, because it takes us being willing to admit we were never in control in the first place. Surrender means that we allow God to take his rightful place back in the driver’s seat of our lives- heart, sould, mind and strength.

Are you also walking in a season of great trials? Maybe amid the COVID-19 outbreak you have tried to control everything around you and in doing so isolated yourself even more from God and others. Maybe you are over being overwhelmed and are done trying to carry the burdens all on your own. Maybe now you are ready to let God be God, and SURRENDER.

If this is you, these verses are meant to lift you up and remind you of the power and truth packed in between the leather binding of the Holy Bible. These verses are meant to bring you to your knees in prayer and surrender. These verses are meant to shift your focus from being overwhelmed by the weight of the world to being overwhelmed by the weight of God’s glory.

Matthew 11:28 (TLB) “Come to me and I will give you rest—all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. Wear my yoke—for it fits perfectly—and let me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for I give you only light burdens.”

Psalm 142:1-2 (TLB) “How I plead with God, how I implore his mercy, pouring out my troubles before him. For I am overwhelmed and desperate, and you alone know which way I ought to turn to miss the traps my enemies have set for me.”

Isaiah 40:31 (TLB) “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Psalm 46:1 (TLB) “God is our refuge and strength,an ever-present help in trouble.”

1 Peter 5:7 (TLB) “Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.”

Would you consider pausing and writing out these verses on a note card? Would you plant them around your home and memorize them? When you begin to feel overwhelmed you can look to the truth, and exchange your overwhelm with peace.

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