Faith is farming. A farmer walks his fields scattering seed, with prayers for the proper weather conditions to reap a harvest. Followers of Christ, walk the fields of life and pray also for the proper conditions to reap a harvest of a faithful, God honoring life. Yet, just as is the reality of farming, there are seasons of drought. No rain. No harvest.

Psalm 126:5 & 6 (VOICE) reads, “Those who walk the fields to sow, casting their seed as tears, will one day tread those same long rows, amazed by what’s appeared. Those who weep as they walk and plant with sighs, will return singing with joy, when they bring home the harvest.”

Sometimes the tears of the farmer and the tears of the faithful are the only rain to fall on the dry and dusty ground. Tears seem insignificant when compared to the volume of rain necessary to cultivate a full harvest. But just as God’s word says, faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, tears can bring a harvest.

The time from seed to harvest feels an eternity. Considering the cultivation may only come by way of tears, the time to harvest extends even longer. Waiting ensues. Patient endurance develops. And hoping continues. The tears become sacrifices of faith for mourning souls longing for joy, longing for a good outcome.

While meditating on this scripture this prayed was drawn out of me. “God I believe in your promises, even when I cannot see a small budding seedling. I will go to work, faithfully pursuing what you have called me to. I pray that what I have planted in my words and actions and watered with my tears will be a pleasing sacrifice of faith to you, Lord. I leave the harvest in your hands.”

Tears cried over planted seeds demonstrate to God a vulnerable faith. Even though the signs of growth have not yet appeared, He is still in control. The harvest is His promise. The tending, the watering, the planting are for the faithful servants of God. But the harvest is HIS.

God’s promise in this verse concludes that joy is around corner for those who are in the field faithfully scattering seeds through weeping eyes. Joy comes from a longing heart that watched the dry ground produce no fruit day after day. Joy is God’s promise. Joy is the harvest of celebration grown out of planted tears.

The holidays are a joy filled time of year, as we remember the birth of the much anticipated Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. Yet, at the same time, there are many who are in a season of drought, and tears. If you find yourself here, in the dry field waiting for a harvest to come, I pray that you find hope today in Psalm 126.

How long will you wait for the harvest to come? I do not know how long you will have to wait. But what I do know if that you can trust in God the Father for the harvest. He uses your tears and multiplies their affect on the dry and dusty ground where your harvest will be found.