Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now? 5 Ways to Help You Hear God’s Voice One of my biggest pet peeves is poor cell reception. My mind has a hard time conceiving that all the technology that exists that there can still be dead spots for cell reception. I know. I sound spoiled, and...
The Great Hypocrisy of Love

The Great Hypocrisy of Love

“Love without truth is hypocrisy. Truth without love is brutality.” Warren Weirsbe   Love in and of itself does not stand alone. Love is the embodiment of truth. Love is the expression of integrity, honesty and sincerity.    Love cannot exist amid...
Truth Offends

Truth Offends

One of my daughters has claimed the family volleyball as her own. She believes that no one touches it, uses it or looks at it without her permission. She has argued this to the point of tears. She believes it to be true from the depth of her heart.    But just...