As I looked at the Curvy Road Ahead sign in this picture it made me think with partial amusement,”wow, this is a great representation of my life!” My trek through this life has been anything but straight. It has been full of twists and turns, unexpected relationships and circumstances, and the choices I have made to set the trajectory of my life.

When I read this verse,”Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lead on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”(Proverbs 3:5-6, ESV), I wrestle with it’s meaning in light of my experience.

My path has not been straight. My path has not been smooth.

I tend to jump on God’s promise and want to hold Him accountable for His end of the bargain, my path made straight, but ignore my role and responsibility for my life.

Do I choose to trust the Lord with all my heart? Do I lean on His understanding more than I lean on my own? Do I acknowledge Him in everything I do?

No. Nope and not even close.

Yet I expect Him to make my path straight and smooth.

What is it that keeps me from pressing in to this kind of faith? Why does my path continue to be curvy?

Honestly, I am afraid. I fear losing control. Fear of letting God lead me to places I do not understand. I’m afraid of being uncomfortable. I fear that I am not equipped or good enough for what lay ahead. When I let my fears take over, I veer off the road and take a wrong turn.

Deuteronomy 31:8 (ESV) says, “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

The Lord goes before me. The Lord goes before you. We don’t have to be afraid of taking the next step. If we misstep, or make take the wrong turn, He will be there to help us correct it.

If I look at the curvy road sign, in light of God’s word, I see that the curves are the expression of my faith journey. I trust His will, then I want my will. I trust His will, then I want my will. What brings me joy is seeing the big arrow at the top of the sign. I can rest knowing that no matter what, He is always pointing the way ahead, the way on the straight path. And He is patient with me. He knew I would veer off and want to do things my way, that is why He tells me not to lean on what I understand, but trust Him.

I can look at this road sign and feel ashamed – recognizing the multitude of mistakes I have made. Or I can look at the sign and see the infallible grace of God that always brings me back to center.

The road ahead doesn’t have to be curvy. The road ahead can be straight, aligned with God’s plan, if we have the faith to trust Him with all of our hearts.

Are there steps that you have taken lately that need to be corrected? Have you veered off the path God is calling you to because of fear? Ask God to help you get back on the path He has for you. Ask Him to give you the courage to trust Him, even when you do not understand His plan for your life. Ask Him to help you see His grace poured out in your life MORE than the failure to trust Him.