Survivor, Ring that Bell!

Survivor, Ring that Bell!

The meaning of the phrase “ring the bell” varies considerably depending on the audience. For a youtuber, like me, “ring the bell” means that alerts will be sent to subscribers when new content is uploaded. “Ring the bell” for students signals the beginning or end of...
Wounded Warrior

Wounded Warrior

We are all wounded. We carry hurt and harm from our past into our present. Out of our wounds we wound. That is out of our wounds left unhealed, we wound. Maybe you have heard the saying, “hurt people, hurt people and healed people, heal people.”  The fact is, we...
The Body Doesn’t Forget: Loss

The Body Doesn’t Forget: Loss

Last Monday when my alarm sounded, I was still, but my heart pounded as if I was unsafe. My heart raced. I didn’t get it. Perhaps I had been having a bad dream. Why was my heart pounding so? I sat up in bed, rubbed my eyes, took a couple of deep breaths and rose to...
A Heart Torn in Two

A Heart Torn in Two

Today I understand, more than ever, what Paul was saying when he proclaimed to the Philippians, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. So what shall I choose? I do not know. I am torn...
Open Your Hands O Worshiper

Open Your Hands O Worshiper

I have been struggling to understand how to just be. How to move through and navigate each day? How to just be and breathe and live in the juxtaposition of extremes that come in a day? A day that brings high highs and low lows. How can I ride these waves of emotions:...