by callkayla | Oct 9, 2018 | Blog, Faith in Hard Times
Pro Athletes. Movie Stars. Artists. Designers. Grammy Winners. What do all of these people have in common? Success. By the twenty-first century world’s standards they have all achieved success. What is the key? How did they find it? I spent the first 10 years of...
by callkayla | Oct 2, 2018 | Blog, Faith in Hard Times
Interference in the game of volleyball can be a welcome disruption. When the game is close, or tied neck to neck, fierce emotions for the win wield inside of each player on the court and on the sidelines. The interference provides space for each team to take a...
by callkayla | Sep 25, 2018 | Blog, Obedience
A view through a lens draws us in. Focus. Attention. Details. Through a lens images become more crisp and clear. The vision of what is and what is supposed to be comes into view. A single blade of grass enhanced with a turn of the zoom. The purpose of the lens is to...
by callkayla | Sep 18, 2018 | Blog, Faith in Hard Times
LIFE: Precious. Beautiful. Exciting. Challenging. Difficult. Real. Raw. Emotional. Life on this earth is full of wonder and mystery. But let’s face it. Not every day is easy. Not every day feels wonder-FULL. There are days when hitting the ESCAPE button on life...
by callkayla | Sep 11, 2018 | Blog, Relationships
The heart contains within it a throne, figuratively speaking. This throne is the resting place for what rules the heart, and therefore what rules our lives. The throne is central control for decisions, actions and reactions. Even thoughts begin first in the heart....
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